Int. Bachelor/Master Summer School 2023

This link will take you to the Virtual Summer School 2021 section, which includes video and written profiles from several 2019 and 2021 summer school participants, like Maily below.


Maily González

I recently graduated from Biology at Yachay Tech University, in Ecuador. My area of interest is Biotechnology. I would like to do a master's degree in Biotechnology with applicability to animal and human health. I chose the One Health Summer School because it provides an education based on key issues related to air pollution and its connections to global health.
The One Health Summer School was a truly international experience. I loved the insightful academic environment and the exposure to international perspectives. Through interacting with leading One Health scientists during virtual visits to multiple research labs, I am now able to think critically about what the future of this field could become, and am inspired to pursue further studies in these subject areas. I totally recommend the summer school, it was very interactive in all aspects (academic, cultural and professional). The best part was the final project, in which you collaborate with students from different areas of science, achieving an enriching multidisciplinary approach. I really enjoyed the summer school and I made a lot of connections with people from all over the world. I have never learned so much in only one week. This summer school was without a doubt a gratifying experience and went far beyond my expectations.